AnTuTu a publicat lista celor mai puternice 10 smartphone-uri din septembrie 2023

Aşa cum ne-am obişnuit, începutul fiecărei luni vine cu topul celor mai puternice 10 smartphone-uri prezentat de AnTuTu. În realizarea acestor statistici AnTuTu foloseşte un calcul bazat pe punctajul mediu obţinut de fiecare device în urma analizelor a peste 1000 de unităţi / model. Iată topul pentru septembrie 2023: OnePlus Ace 2 Pro – 1.662.760 […]

How to Turn Your iPod touch into an iPhone: 4G Edition

The latest iPhone and iPod touch are nearly identical devices, ignoring the pesky reality that the latter isn’t a phone. We can fix that. Here’s how to turn your iPod touch into a viable (and cheaper) iPhone alternative out of the box. Back in the day, turning your iPod touch into an iPhone required a […]

A Google TV Set-Top Box is Coming

We knew vaguely that Google was looking toward the living room, but the NYTimes has the details on Google TV, an ambitious platform to deliver web content to Android-based set-top boxes and TVs through partnerships with Sony, Intel, and Logitech. Google hopes that the new platform will succeed where dozens of lesser efforts have failed—to […]

The World’s 10 Most Outrageously Priced Cell Phones

Sometimes people with money buy things that aren’t actually worth the money. I don’t know if diamonds help to make your signal stronger, but I highly doubt it. I am not saying that all expensive phones are not worth the price, but you be the judge. The cheapest phone on this list costs around $28,000 […]